Touched and Grateful

Touched and Grateful

In behalf of CamAid, we want to thank those who donat­ed school mate­ri­als, dried milk, clothes, and back­packs to chil­dren in Douala, Cameroon.  The chil­dren were very touched and grateful!

Touched and Grateful2017-09-25T18:09:22+01:00

Co-Sponsor Soccer Players with CamAid

Co-Sponsor Soccer Players with CamAid

We are proud to announce that CamAid would like to spon­sor these two young men. They are both very tal­ent­ed foot­ball (soc­cer) play­ers, here in Cameroon. We are seek­ing for those who are will­ing to co-spon­sor them togeth­er with CamAid, for this fall school year (2017). They will attend a uni­ver­si­ty acad­e­my here in the city of Douala, Cameroon.

Co-Sponsor Soccer Players with CamAid2017-08-09T20:58:29+01:00

Christmas Eve 2016

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In behalf of CamAid, we want to thank those who helped to make it pos­si­ble to give gifts on Christ­mas Eve to patients who are chil­dren here in Cameroon, Africa. It was a lot of fun!
Christmas Eve 20162017-03-06T20:09:10+01:00

Newsletter 2016: Books For Africa

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CamAid wants to per­son­al­ly thank “Books For Africa” for donat­ing 22,000 books (val­ue $280,000) to our orga­ni­za­tion. We are very grate­ful. We promised the Books For Africa orga­ni­za­tion who are based in the U.S. that we will dis­trib­ute their books to the Red Cross of Cameroon, Min­istry of Health, and the city coun­sel of Douala.

We also want to show our grat­i­tude to “Mer­ck” Com­pa­ny who man­u­fac­tured the med­ical man­u­als. Mer­ck donat­ed the expens­es for 13 brand new addi­tion­al Mer­ck Med­ical Man­u­als. They also cov­ered for the car­go trans­porta­tion con­tain­er of the 22,000 books to dock at our Port Author­i­ty of Douala.

We final­ly want to thank the Red Cross of Cameroon for mak­ing this pos­si­ble by pay­ing all the port fees and tar­iffs to help the con­tain­er leave the port to come into our pos­ses­sion with­out too much red tape process.

Newsletter 2016: Books For Africa2017-08-09T20:47:19+01:00
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